Backtest Portfolio
This backtesting tool allows you to compare the historical performance of various portfolios of mutual funds / ETFs / stocks using either a buy & hold or rebalancing strategy. While it is impossible to predict the future, analyzing how two different portfolios performed relative to each other in different market conditions can provide valuable insights into past performance.
Past performance of each portfolio is displayed on a timeline chart. You can specify initial dollar values or percentages, rebalancing strategy, and dividends can be redirected or reinvested in advanced settings. Investing metrics such as starting / ending values, CAGR, maximum drawdowns and expenses are displayed in a table beneath the pie charts.
This browser-based backtesting tool operates using JavaScript. Please note that as you add more symbols / portfolios to your backtest, it will take longer for your browser to calculate the chart.
Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Increased risk provides no guarantee of return.