Tools / Calculators
Portfolio Toolbox is a collection of free personal finance tools / calculators to help you visualize / backtest your portfolio and compare past investment performance. You can perform a Social Security break-even analysis, visualize the impact of compounding mutual fund / ETF expenses, view historical rolling returns for different investment sectors, asset classes and even individual stocks / mutual funds / ETFs, visualize bond prices over different prevailing market yields, and forecast possible financial futures with our retirement calculator. While every effort is made to make these tools accurate, it is recommended that you consult with a financial professional before making any significant changes to your financial situation.
If you have any suggestions for new financial tools, please contact us here.
Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Increased risk provides no guarantee of return.
Portfolio Tracker
Portfolio Tracker is a service that allows you to track your portfolio holdings. You can track your asset allocation, portfolio history, and get daily / weekly alerts when quotes are updated. You must create a login to use this feature.Backtest Portfolio
Visualize historical performance of mutual funds, ETFs and individual stocks using a buy & hold or rebalancing strategy.Market Alerts
Rolling Returns
YTD 2/14/2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
10.87% | 29.36% | 59.83% | 62.83% | 55.12% |
6.15% | 27.19% | 56.85% | 2.20% | 40.09% |
5.84% | 26.66% | 38.47% | -2.07% | 31.62% |
5.34% | 24.76% | 25.94% | -11.81% | 30.33% |
4.51% | 22.48% | 16.38% | -13.70% | 28.36% |
4.10% | 18.97% | 13.20% | -14.52% | 16.37% |
3.67% | 16.07% | 11.36% | -15.59% | 9.46% |
3.17% | 4.70% | 4.13% | -18.22% | 8.73% |
2.86% | 4.25% | 3.04% | -26.12% | 8.34% |
2.17% | -0.57% | 0.95% | -38.30% | 4.75% |
1.22% | -5.23% | -0.27% | -38.72% | 1.92% |
-2.03% | -12.25% | -2.61% | -41.02% | -9.50% |